Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Office meeting notes 11/4/09

We want to congratulate Mike Kieffer on his 5th anniversary with the company. He received a beautiful Howard Miller clock.
We want to wish happy birthday to our November birthdays – Cindy Sizemore, Bill Elfers, Mike Drees & Tasha Heard and also to Emily Dietz on December 1.
Congratulation to Bill Elfers for his excellent “Service Satisfaction Survey”.
Reminder to everyone that to keep everyone else well that when you cough that you cough into your elbow and not you hands or all over everything in front of you. It is only common courtesy.
Our office is 13% ahead of last year for sales thanks to all of you. Please keep up the good work. Some agents in the office have had their best year ever.
Linda is working on 2 experienced agents that may be coming to our office soon.
The Leeker’s have offered to have the Christmas party again this year. It will be on December 12. We will be doing the exchange gift game again this year. Everyone should bring a dish to share. On orders from Joe King there will be no beer or wine served this year.
Linda will be having “Twilight training” on Tuesday nights at 6PM starting tonight. Tonight’s subject will be purchase contracts.
Don’t forget to be here for our office Thanksgiving dinner on Tues. Nov. 17 around noon. Sign up sheet to bring a dish is on side of the mailboxes.
The idea of holding open houses is to ask for appointments. Here are a few suggestions:
1. “You said that you missed seeing some desirable homes in the past. Through our own company’s computer listings and the Multiple Listing Service, I have access to information on thousands of homes. If I know specifically what you’re looking for, I can easily find it. Could we get together and visit for awhile after the open house?”
2. “Since you haven’t discussed the purchase of a home with a real estate agent recently, I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised how much easier this can be. Would 7:00 tonight be a good time to get together or would tomorrow night be better?”
3. “The process of buying and financing a home today is becoming more complex. I’d be happy to review those considerations and show you ways to save some money. I’m available right after the open house at 4:00. May I stop by your home then?”
4. “The equity in your home is affected by not only the price you’ll receive, but by the type of financing you use, the transferability of your existing mortgage and the incidental expenses you’ll incur. I can provide you with accurate, written information in all of those areas. May I stop by and see your home this evening?”
5. “Lenders determine the maximum amount with a formula involving the relationship between your income and long term financial obligations. I work with these formulas daily and would be happy to review them with you after the open house. What time is best, 4:30 or 5:00?”
Be careful when telling a home owner who says he owes more on his house than it is worth that he will have to sell his home on a short sale. The owner should check with his bank first to be sure that they will let him do a short sale. Also you might refer them to a non-profit organization first to see if they can help to keep them in their home. With the economy the way it is today there will be more and more of these types of sales.
Linda asks us to please park in front of the office. People are driving by the office and think that no one is working here.
The Entertainment 2010 books are now ready. We can get them for $15.75 each. They would make excellent client gifts. Carol has the order forms. She needs your check along with the order forms no later than 11/16 to be sure we get them back in time for Christmas giving.

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