Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Office meeting notes 12/30/08

The office staff will be leaving on Wed. at 3 PM and off Thurs. & Friday so if you need something processed you need to get it in by 1PM on Wednesday. The Corporate & Training Dept. have now moved to the Northeast Office at 9285 Governor’s Way. Linda is starting her meetings with all agents for business planning on Jan. 5. She has a sign up list just outside her office on side of the mailbox. Please get your business plan for 2009 together and sign up to meet with her. Remember the Boy Scout motto “Be prepared” What are some normal questions you try to get answered before you go on your appointment. How easy to that to obtain- easy- just ask. There are only as many days in a year as you make it. Our office received a check from the Foundation for $500.00 to be given to the Susan B. Coleman Breast Center. The next Fast Start class starts on Monday at the Northeast Office. If there is something you want to brush up on you are welcome to attend any of the classes. Linda gave some suggestions of things you might use as reasons to call your “A” list. She sent out some health tips last week you might use or you might want to use energy tips. You can go on the internet and pull off a list of unusual holidays. HUD statements will be in your mailbox sometime next week. They are another thing to use to touch your clients. Just find some reason to keep in touch. Mark your calendar for “Passport to Success” on Jan. 14 at Receptions in Eastgate. The meeting will be “Ready to Shine in 2009 & coping with life’s thorniest problems”. Lunch will be served. This is always the best program to get you jump started in the New Year. Holly Schwein will represent our office again this year at the Agent Advisory Committee. Mike is having another class on the electronic listing presentation on Jan 13 at 10:30 here in the office. Doc is also going to have a class next week (date to be announced) on entering contacts in Virtual Office.

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