Monday, July 20, 2009

Texting to your phone FAQ

I’ve heard from a few people that when they attempt to send a text to themselves to test whether or not the tour/text feature is working that they are receiving either an invalid message or no text message and they are concerned because they assume it’s because they don’t have a “smart” phone. If you’ve gotten a new phone in the past 5 years, the chances are that it is capable of sending and receiving text messages.

If you’re experiencing this problem, first make sure that your cell phone is “text-enabled.” Some people believe that they will never send a text message nor do they wish to pay for any sent to their phones so make sure that feature isn’t blocked on your phone. The next thing to check is to make sure that you checked or clicked the SMS button which activates the texting option when you created your tour (or edited it to activate the texting feature). If after ensuring you’ve done the above and you continue to have problems, please contact me with the tour number and address and we’ll trouble shoot it to see if there is a problem with the system. Our goal is to make sure you understand how to create and distribute the tours so that potential buyers can access tours, send text messages and that you receive the contact information.

Thank you! Have a great week!
Randy Wax Field Marketing

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